Tuesday, 11 November 2014

An Attempt

Driven by quest, we all have our glitches, sometimes dormant, at-most active. Be it the notorious Loki or the admired tooth fairy, at dawn we find ourselves in the realm of heaven and dusk brings us to the bridge of the broken spirit ! But, then it is right then and there we mend our chances, slow down to turn around and look back at the wreckage! It is human nature, we have this right of tasting faults and keep moving on .....with an attempt!


When admiration topples, it bursts into aversion. It takes a whole lot to convert a positive emotion into a negative! A desire to build a relationship into a volcano of disgust! It meets its end then and there!

Thursday, 6 November 2014

The Phoenix arises

The Spirit of fire, the flutter of sins, and the story of ashes with love within,
the Phoenix arises and years begin.....Dancing to the tunes of a splendid life, it takes me and you to worlds apart ....the Phoenix arises and years begin.....together we fly and touch the sky...!!!

From my balcony

26.03.2020 18.30 pm - 19.20 pm  Stay there for some more time, Before time gobbles you for today!  Are you screening the waters ...