Saturday, 8 October 2011

A Chuckle and a Pity!!

I do not have any other way to put this across, because it was something that happened as straight as it could have been otherwise also. 

He was dressed in a black tuxedo; a pony tail which was oiled or may be naturally oily. He wore two more things, a golden framed glass and an expression of unending confusion which spread across his young face. He was roaming about the corridor all the while, and what it seemed to me, was that he could not find the venue for what he came to attend, may be an event/program. As, my watch on him became more intent for I thought maybe he has come to be part of our campaign launch that day, he came to have a look at our books displayed on the table. Becoming surer that he is here for our launch, I asked him out of curiosity and my inbuilt sense of hospitality, “So, where are you from?” 

His eyes went around in all directions except meeting mine and he did reply. “Nowhere; (a pause with his hands going up from mid way of his body) I am from New York!) 

I sat there speechless trying to focus on the duality of the answer. It was a like tossing a coin to find what we land up at or where do we come from. Do I come from nowhere or am I from New York?

The moments which followed were nonetheless hammering, I saw this guy talking to oneself and mapping the corridor. Going in at gaps to the alumni meet of Kings University for which he had actually come. As evident as it was, this young gentlemen neither could associate oneself to the legacy of Delhi we were portraying neither did he find his belongingness to the King’s University.

An hour and more went by and the scene before me was no less the same. I couldn’t help and gave out a chuckle. But, as I talk to you it looks more like something which needs a pity. A young gentleman who does not know where exactly he comes from, what does his roots point out to and what is his cultural and heritage legacy. The toss I believe still continues for him and I hope he lands up with certain conclusions sometime soon in life.

The World belongs to you, but, you belong to one place, that’s where you came from and you should never forget it! Our lives, I believe is about exploring our own identity, our legacy and our destiny by surrendering ourselves to the world we know and do not know. 

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