13 on my fathers side and 6 on my mothers side together takes the count to 19! With a lifted
nose and broadened shoulder bones I start taking the long count of my neice and nephews from these 19 cousins I own. Spread across several lanes and by-lanes of the world, I still know very less about are these finely woven family threads. The charm of facebook has been maintaining our networking levels too. A few of us do call each other occasionally to know more than what we know already from the posts, updates and tags.
I take the liberty to say that one of the best things to happen in our life, is the marraige which we attended of each other's. The fun we had then knows no bounds. It brought us closer like never before but, sadly also took us away from each other like never before. Now, busier than never before, and with all in our generation tied up, we fail to find reasons to club along. We try to find an opportunity for a re-union but, it never seems to come along.
Our own Indian marraige was kind enough to show us days of such free spirit and joy. Every marraige we had in our family has become life's celebrated moments captured in our minds and hearts forever and ever.
Taking from here, have I been thinking, noticing, gazing, hearing and listening about "Our own Indian marraige". The contemporary route it has paved for itself, by still staying rooted to its magnificent larger than life image is quite amazing. What I briefly picked up to share with you is just one element of this big affair. The element which today seems to be going through the "age of turbulence". The element which over many generations has proudly claimed to have sole ownership of the "Y Chromosome", tagged to be 'the bread winner of the family'. We call him the Man, the masculine of its kind. Being a non-feminist, I always look gently on the other side too. And what I found was that our men are going through the "age of turbulence".They are all the more confused, stressed, undecided, reeling under extreme pressure. Today, as we Indian woman take a stand at every point of our life with a bolder outook like never before, our men stand baffled. Girls at a very young age seem to be putting their mind at work on relationships. The heart seems to have taken a back seat. The emotional quotient in a relationship seems to be of less priority with girls who are demanding a relationship which has a more practical clarity in understanding each others needs and values. The Indian men who knew their mothers as the giver of their life are having issues understanding this woman of his life who takes and gives. Men at work are more dumbfound with woman co-workers and leaders taking over their chances. This is what modern India looks like at this point, a phase in time which is watching the "Rise and rule of estrogen" as my husband terms it.
Our own Indian marraige has come to become innovatively experimental. The game seems more interesting. The dices seems to have changed shapes and numbers. The snakes are plenty, the ladders less. Indian men are still working on coming to terms with the emergence of this modern Indian woman. They are falling back on their momories of childhood, comparing, relating and wondering of what they knew of the woman they owned then in their mothers and stand all the more flusterred. There are no rules! That's today's Indian marraige! The Indian marraige is gradually breaking the age old tag of institution and principles to take new dimensions. But, what stands unsettled is our men. But, I suppose they are going to take time.
The war of the sexes seem to be gushed up on one side as of now and it will take time for men to unite their understanding for it. Meanwhile, I suppose some of us woman should not be using our reins but,just hold it. It was always meant to be in our hands, it has always been in our hands. The world has always come to give both the sexes our equality. We unite in each other to take the form of oneness. We are inseparable, merged into each other. Only a tandava by a man can evoke a lasya in a woman and vice versa. The cosmic energies come together to be the most positive whenever this happens. Here is something I came through some time back. It's worth reading -
“Agnishomatmakam jagat (अग्निषोमात्मकं जगत्)” is a quote from the Shrutis (Vedas). Fire (agni) is the male principle and is present in the menstrual flow of the female. The moon (soma) is the feminine principle and is present in the sperm of the male. Desire (kama) is the force binding the two. These two principles get attracted to one another due to desire. Philosophy too elucidates the same tenet. When Shiva gets associated with Divine Energy (Shakti) He becomes active. In the non-duality (advait) described in the holy text of Shivagam, Divine Energy (Shakti), that is the Great Illusion (Maya) is not renounced but is considered as the Energy of Brahman (Brahmashakti). The permanent union of Shiva and Shakti is considered as non-duality. Hemadri has described how this half-feminine (ardhanari) form is to be created in the text Chaturvargachintamani. According to him - the right half of Shiva should be that of a woman.’ In this form the potential of the feminine as well as the masculine principle is equal; hence it is described as ‘Shaktyasahitaha Shambuhu (शक्त्यासहित: शंभु: ।)' meaning The Lord Shambhu (Shiva) along with Divine Energy (Shakti).
I would conclude with a old saying "Men are the Kings who rule our minds and we are the queens who rule their hearts". Changing this seems too uncool to me.
(Just tried sketching the expressions of the eyes when performing the tandava and the lasya. Tandava is more vigorous in nature. Lasya is more graceful and gentle.)
Nice. Loved the part about Shiva and Shakti :)